The solution is Druid’s Enterprise Private Cellular Network. Cellular Small Cell radios managed by a local cellular core network provide the ideal combination of business critical quality of service along with the unparalleled choice of device available with cellular technology.
Druid’s integrated REST API makes integrating to other enterprise systems trivial and enables a real time and intuitive management interface for enterprise IT professionals.

Delivering unified communications to increase enterprise mobility

Enterprise wireless solutions options
WiFi is an excellent technology for many enterprise use cases but has serious drawbacks when it comes to carrying business critical mobile communications.
High quality mobility has always been a challenge for WiFi to deliver on and interference can also be a serious issue with virtually any smart phone device available today being capable of acting as a WiFi access point and interfering with the enterprise’s business critical communications.
WiFi also struggles in outdoor enterprise environments particularly over wide areas of coverage.
Wifi is an excellent technology for many enterprise use cases but has serious drawbacks when it comes to carrying business critical mobile communications. High quality mobility has always been a challenge for Wifi to deliver on and interference can also be a serious issue with virtually any smart phone device available today being capable of acting as a Wifi access point and interfering with the enterprise’s business critical communications. Wifi also struggles in outdoor enterprise environments particularly over wide areas of coverage.
Public Cellular provide the same excellent device choice as Private Cellular but falls down on quality of service. Getting good public cellular coverage indoors is increasing difficult especially with modern energy efficient building materials. In addition to this, there are many instances where Public Cellular Networks have failed for extended periods. This can be caused by extreme events such as natural disasters or events like terrorist attacks where network can experience severe congestion.
DECT has provided enterprise customers with a high quality of service over the last few decades, however the device choice and capability for DECT are very limited and broadband data is not supported on DECT devices. DECT as a technology is nearing end of life and will ultimately be replaced by other solutions.
Some example vertical markets include Healthcare including hospitals and assisted living, Government Offices, Enterprise offices, Utilities, University Campus, Hospitality, Theatres, Airports and Remote industry.
Other Wireless Solutions from Druid
Mobile Edge Broadband
Current mobile broadband architecture with centralised packet switching unnecessarily overloads transmission networks and centralised packet switching functions with the increasingly demanding traffic loads generated by today's multimedia applications.
Druid’s Mobile Edge Broadband distributes packet switching functions to the edge of the network, to hub sites or even to base station sites depending on the use case. It reduces load on centralised packet switching gateways and allows high bandwidth networks to be built at a lower cost and with greater quality.
Enterprise wireless solutions options

IOT Service Provider
Deploying a dedicated wide area mobile IoT network is expensive and relying on a single mobile network partner limits coverage footprint, is vulnerable to single operator failure and can lead to costly lock in.
Druid’s IoT Service Provider solves the problem by allowing the radio networks of multiple operators to service the IoT devices of the customers giving the best possible coverage footprint and providing redundancy in the case of a failure of one or more of the operator networks. It may also be combined with the Druids “IoT reach” solution to provide coverage in black spots where no available partner network has coverage.

Some examples of vertical markets for this solution are Public Utilities, Shipping & Logistics, Automotive tracking, flood protection, IoT Service Providers.
IOT Reach
Deploying a dedicated wide area mobile IoT network is expensive and relying on a single mobile network partner limits coverage footprint, is vulnerable to single operator failure and can lead to costly lock in.
Druid’s IoT Service Provider solves the problem by allowing the radio networks of multiple operators to service the IoT devices of the customers giving the best possible coverage footprint and providing redundancy in the case of a failure of one or more of the operator networks. It may also be combined with the Druids “IoT reach” solution to provide coverage in black spots where no available partner network has coverage.

Industrial Campus Automation
Current mobile wireless communications solutions fail to deliver the quality of service necessary for Industrial Automation applications.
Druid’s Industrial Campus Automation solution delivers the highest quality of service possible by distributing core network elements to the campus site, lowering latency to a minimum and providing resilience to network failure in its capability to operate autonomously from operator core networks. It implements the wireless mobile coverage using 4G cellular radio technology and either licensed or unlicensed cellular spectrum depending on the use case.

Wifi is the other technology attempted for this kind of use case but has major limitations when it comes to outdoor or wide area coverage, high quality mobility and is subject to interference. These drawbacks make it unsuitable for Industrial campus automation where failures or unreliability convert directly into loss of revenue.